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Brief Introduction of Hot wire tester灼熱絲試驗儀技術參數英文版

2016-08-06 18:09:25


Product Name:  Hot wire tester

Product Model:  ZRS-2

Design Standards 

GB/T5169.10-2006 based test methods of glow-wire and glow-wire flammability test method for the finished product

The standard can be meet:

GB4706.1  EC60695  UL746A  IEC829   DIN695  VDE0471

Brief Introduction :

we use the heating wire with Specific material(Ni80/Cr20) and specific shape to  high current heated to burn the Sample from the vertical direction test in 30 seconds.  Fire risk of products was determined  by ignition conditions or holding burning time of sample and bedding material . The est result is accurate when test temperature (between 550 ℃ and 960 ℃)is reached  after one minute .Also,The pressure of the burning need to be  one newton .Application of the test products include and but not limited to solid insulating material and  other solid combustible materials .  The test data  including  GWIT and GWFI.

The  environmental requirements  :

1. Requirements about environmental temperature  : -10℃~30℃

2. Relative humidity: ≤85%

3. Supply voltage and power:220V±10% ,  50HZ  , ≤500W

Characteristic :

1. Temperature of hot wire can be preset from 500℃ to 1000 ℃ and the error is 2 ℃ .

2. the burning time can be preset from 0 to 999.9 seconds and the often use time is 30 seconds.

3.  time relay will be used to record the light-off time and fire out time between0to999.9S+0.1s automatically,in addition ,you can  pause it manually .

4. Thermocouple :Armoured thermocouple from UK (type K) ,Φ0.5mm

5. the heating wire:Φ4 mm/ Nickel-chromium wire

the heating wire of Hot wire tester

The above photo :the heating wire

6. The depth of the burning:7mm±0.5mm

7. Travel speed of sample:14mm/s

8. Using red line photoelectric stop switch, the limit is more accurate

9. SCR control thermostat system make temperature control more accurate

10. Time and temperature are digital display,both Observe and record  are very convenient

11. The burning body is more than 0.5m3and it has a black  background ,the background illumination must be 20Lux or less 。Moreover, we also ;have 0.75m3 burning body if it is  in need .

12. The whole test process is automatically controlled and the ventilation system is independent

13. Dimensions: Width 1160mm × depth 600mm × height 1310mm (including foot)


版權所有?南京炯雷儀器設備有限公司 技術支持:玖佰網
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